No I have not forgotten the blog and no I am not sick or ignoring it. Here is the reason why I haven’t been writing…
This week is spring break at the university where I work (the coffeeshop on campus) therefore there are different hours and so I was able to sign up for day shifts so I coud be home at night with my husband!!!! It has been great and not so great…The not so great part is I have had to get up at 5:40am and start the drive at 6. We live a hour away from my job, plus I would hit major traffic and I was supposed to be at work at 7:30. Ugh is all I have to say on that matter.
This past weekend Myke and went and bought some clothes for Easter. I will try to remember and take a picture the day of cause oh goodness…we look stinking cute. I was on the search for coral pants so I can be like Kate Middleton (see picture), but when they are $68…I can wait. But I got something I think could be seen as cuter and I will definitely wear them more 🙂 Plus I got super frustrated trying to get my size, plus when it comes to jeans…I’m not the expert (see example here).
Anyway, I’m hoping I can get back in the rhythm tomorrow and through out the weekend. I hope everyone had a good beginning of the week!