• Sacramento: Ice Blocks

    When I was growing up, you only went downtown to R street to go to Ace of Spades to see a band play. Now, the area is known as the Ice Blocks and there are some fantastic restaurants, coffee shops (love some Philz), and stores that Myke and I are excited to check out. The other day, Myke and I decided to take the girls on a little afternoon date to the Ice Blocks. We…

  • First Family Vacation With Toddlers

    This is the first big vacation for the Clements family in quite some time. When you have two kids back to back, vacations can be few and far between. So needless to say, we were extremely excited about this trip. Not only was it our first big trip in a while, it was also our first trip with both girls.

  • When the Girls are Sick

    We just finished another round of sickness in our house. Luckily I did not get the bug, even though I spend all day with them. Unfortunately, it was mostly Meghan who got congested and a little cough. Olivia got away with just a light cough. When one gets sick, I usually try to keep the girls together so the germs can pass between them and then hopefully get out. I’ve been through few sick seasons…

  • Meghan at 11 Months

    MJ is 11 months old. This means that she will be one year old in one month, but I don’t want to think about that now. She surprised us all on the last day of vacation by pulling herself up on the table, which is something she has been doing for a while, and took 3 steps toward me. I couldn’t believe it. The plan was we were going to start working with her little…

  • Olivia turned TWO

    On September 28, Olivia turned two. It fell on a Saturday and it has become a tradition for Myke to get up with the girls and have eggs, bacon, and toast every Saturday. It’s their time together and allows me to get some rest and some alone time. So we decided that we would do an upgraded Saturday breakfast full of Olivia’s favorite things and invite Mimi and Pops over. Myke made delicious bacon, sourdough…