• A Typical Day with the Girls

    I’ve been a stay at home mom for a little over a year now. When I first started, it was mostly because when I was pregnant I didn’t feel comfortable applying for jobs just to leave them a few months later. I worked in recruitment in Human Resources, but I was happy that I was able to be home with Olivia for a short time before another one joined the family. The plan was I…

  • THE Chocolate Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

    Have you seen the fun video we did on our Instagram stories?? If you haven’t, check it out. For those who know me personally, you know that I’ve been on a weight loss journey through the hospital where I had Meghan. It is a medically driven program mostly includes meeting with a doctor once a week to discuss progress, have blood drawn every 4 weeks to see how my body is reacting to everything. Obviously…

  • Things We Feed our Two Year Old

    When Olivia started eating solids, I researched toddler meals pretty much all day. I would also text my mama friends and inquire about what they feed their toddlers-which is always helpful. As I’m getting all this amazing advice from other moms, I thought it would be helpful if I compiled some of the items that worked for me. Breakfast: The most important meal of the day. I have always told Myke, if Olivia has a…

  • Mary Poppins Returns: A Review after Four Thousand Viewings

    marry poppins returns

    From Myke If you know me, you know that I do not enjoy musicals. There is exactly one musical that I will say that I enjoy. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. There are of course the animated movies I enjoyed when I was growing up, but I’m not considering them here. I should also be noted that I do not include movies that are about music as musicals. For instance, Walk the Line or…