• Lowepro BP 250 AW II – Review

    I have been looking and looking for a new camera bag. I have visited all of the local camera shops, read countless reviews online looking and hoping to find the perfect camera bag. One with enough room for what I need for Sunday mornings, Focus Video shoots, and for walking around and Vlogging with Allison. I finally pulled the trigger on a new bag as a birthday present to myself from myself. Specifically this one:…

  • iPad: Getting Work Done with a Toddler Around


    Working on an iPad solved a major blog issue for us! A few weeks ago, Allison and I were having our monthly content planning meeting where we talk about what videos we want to make, what blogs we want to write and all of that super exciting stuff I know you’re dying to know about. This would have been a severely unbloggable event had Olivia not woken up from her nap in the middle of…

  • Meghan at 10 Months

    Meghan turned 10 months old this past weekend. We are gearing up to have a two-year-old on our hands, but it’s very easy to forget that we have an almost 1-year-old too. Meghan is really starting to come into her own and her personality is starting to come out. She laughs with Olivia a lot and they are starting to play together and that makes me so extremely happy. She needs to stand every second.…

  • Oh No Jury Duty! / You Need to Practice

    I’m choosing not to talk directly about my Jury Duty experience, instead let's talk about what I did on my lunch breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday of that week. I want you to remember this phrase:

  • Her Shows, His Shows, and Our Shows

    Early on in our marriage, we learned that we liked watching TV and movies together, but also that we sometimes have very different tastes. This can lead to one spouse sitting and looking at their phone, bored. This isn't great and can lead to distance in a relati