Blog,  Let's Stay at Home

Everything is Going to be OK

For those people who don’t know, my current job is the night manager at a coffeehouse on my old university campus. I love the job, the only thing that keeps getting me is the fact that I have to drive a hour home to my sleeping husband and then wake up while he’s leaving for work, kiss him good bye and then repeat.

I am extremely thankful that I have this job so please do not think anything different while reading this.

One of my really good friends is going through a hard time in her life right now with not knowing what career she wants to do. She had a good idea all through out college and was ready to go on to grad school, it wasn’t until recently she started to feel that she needed to do something different with her life. She feels that she needs to try something new or try something she has always wanted to try.

I can’t help but feel the same way.

Yes I have a job that I love, a husband I adore, food on my plate, and a roof over my head, but I can’t help but think sometimes what God has in store for me. Sometimes I wonder why I go through what I go through, if it ends up failing why did I do it at all.

Another story that comes to mind or my wonderful in-laws. They had a horrible string of months and it makes me so sad for them because they are such good people. I’m sure they wondered at times “Why did we go through what we went through if it was supposed to end this way?” Similar things that my friend was thinking.

I can’t help but feel the same way.

My husband and I were driving back from a potential job that ended up not being a good match (nothing bad, just not for me). As we drove in the car I felt tears in my eyes, but since it was Film Friday (Myke and I go see movies every Friday we call it Film Friday…it’s adorable) I didn’t want to put a damper on the night. But of course Myke being Myke he looks me straight in the eye and asks three simple words:

“What is wrong?”

He shouldn’t have asked….

It was like the gates of Niagara Falls opened and there was no way to even slow it down. I told him exactly how I was feeling, how I felt like a failure and I wasn’t living up to my potential. Needless to say it was not my brightest moment.

But that’s the great thing about having someone (not just a husband) close to you that can say “it’s going to be ok, maybe not right now, this second, or next week, but eventually, it will be ok.”

And you know what? It will.

Everything is going to be ok. For my friend, for my in-laws, for me, and when the time calls for it, for you.

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