• Awkwardly Awesome Thursday…kind of…

    Today is Awkwardly Awesome Thursday and I welcome you to it, however there is one thing on my mind today and it isn’t really this blog post (sorry). Yes there were a few awesome things that happened this week and there definitely were some awkward ones, but this morning when I woke up I felt something else on my brian and I read it in my devotional today… a time for everything and everything in its time…

  • Trying Something new on this Gloomy Monday…

    So I was thinking over the weekend, people do fun things when they write blogs-like Awkwardly Awesome Thursdays and High Five for Fridays, it got me thinking on what I could do on another day of the week. I was talking with my husband on some ideas, cause he is a good person to bounce ideas off of. Now a little context to this conversation. This was on Saturday and Myke and I along with…

  • New Friday Tradition

    So as many of you know (or have gathered) there are many different bloggers out there. So I have bene doing some research for my own blog and just for fun. I follow a blog called The Small Things Blog and she is pretty awesome, well she has a sister who is equally awesome and she writes a blog too. Her sister has a tradition called High Five for Friday, top 5 things that happened this…

  • Awkwardly Awesome Thursday

    AWkwARdly AWESOME Thursday is here and I’m excited, don’t worry-there isn’t like anything extraordinary that happened, I just think these posts are fun. awKWaRd… You know that awkward time when a customer asks if you can cut up bananas for you and put it on his bagel because he saw someone do it…I’m sorry if I resemble your mother, but I don’t do that… You know that awkward time when you are going to bed at 2:30…

  • So Exciting!!

    So as everyone has probably gathered, I love my husband and I think he is the most talented man I know (blah blah blah) well something exciting has just happened for him/us. My husband applied for another job in the company he is in. It is a wonderful company and he wants to stay there, but where he was at was the lowest point-and the only direction you can go ….is up 🙂 My husband…