• H54F

    Oh lord, you have no idea how joyous I am it is Friday. So many things are happening this weekend though and so much as happened through the week…here’s a taste. 1. I officially ended my first week of training this week. It was stressful and FULL of A LOT of information that I still have to study for this weekend 🙁 but hey-I love it so far and I’m looking forward to actually starting…

  • Awkwardly Awesome Thursday: Transitions

    awkWArd…and AWESOME all wrapped in one glorious packageSo here is the deal…the next few weeks is all about transitioning. I got a new job and for the next three weeks, my life is going to be run by this place. The details that I’m going to tell you is that it’s a luxury spa and they are serious when it comes to us learning their products (I would hope so…). So that is why I’ve…

  • H54F

    So this week went by really really fast. Like I’m not kidding. Plus Myke and I have had a terrible week last week. Like I’m talking really terrible. The biggest thing to happen was that Myke’s guitar was stolen out of our car. To give you an idea on how terrible this was for us…Myke’s guitar stolen is like Picasso without his brush, Mozart without his piano, Green Lantern without the Lantern ring, Wonder Woman without her…

  • Monday Monday Monday

    Monday. This is possibly the most hated day. It’s the beginning of the week and it makes the weekend look so far away. Well for me, today was a good day so far and I would love to share with you the most wonderful weekend I had. Ok so before I tell you too much I have to give you a tiny back story- My husband and me (a little) are trying to loose weight.…

  • Awkward, but still Awesome Thursday

    Oh Awkwardly Awesome Thursday. Sometimes you stump me. I’m trying to think of something awkward that happend this week, but I can’t really think of too much. We didn’t have the best week ever, but we have tried our best to stay positive and stay awesome. I will say this, one of the most awesome things that happened this week that has made this week a little better was we got our wedding pictures!! I…