Thanksgiving 2019
Even though we have lived in Sac for over a year now, it still feels weird to not travel so much the week of Thanksgiving. Last year Meghan was only a week old, and it was difficult to really go anywhere, but I’m happy I was able to make the trip to Lodi, especially because my brother and sister-in-law were in town. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to make the trip out this year, so we bundled up the girls and spent a few days with Mimi and Pops.

Our original plan was to drive down Thursday morning, but we changed our mind and decided that I would drive down Wednesday afternoon and Myke would follow that evening after worship practice.
Thursday we all woke up and had a super lazy morning in our jammies and watched the parade, baked, and got everything ready for Thanksgiving “Linner”. I made a blackberry pie, it was a little underdone in the crust department, but the parts that were cooked were delicious! I blame the wonky oven!
Once the girls woke up we all got dressed up and took some family photos, Myke did a few test shots with just me.

The meal was delicious! My mother-in-law killed it with the turkey and Olivia even helped with the green bean casserole. After we ate, we needed to get a little exercise so we ventured out to Lodi Lake to see if we could find some deer.
Black Friday started early for Kim and I. We braved the lines at World Market, Old Navy, Target, Kohl’s, and Hobby Lobby. My most expensive item was $26 and it was marked down from $100, so basically a steal! Some sweet Christmas mugs and plates for the girls, cookie cutters, books and jammies for the girls, and a sweater I have had my eye on for months. We both made out like bandits, and it really wasn’t that crowded! The girls stayed home with Daddy and Pops and ate bacon and eggs and watched “If you give a mouse a cookie”.
When they woke up from their nap and ate a little lunch, we bundled up in our cozy jackets and drove to the Micke Grove Zoo, it’s this tiny little zoo right by my In-Laws house.
Saturday I had to get up early and go home to help prepare for a bridal shower for a family friend. I made an angel food cake and frosting from scratch and our favorite party punch.
We had such a lovely time off, and I’m glad that Myke was able to have some time off work. He even got to sleep in a couple of mornings and that’s a vacation for him. I’m so thankful that I have a place at my in-laws. No matter what is going on in life, I know I always have a place there. I’m thankful we were able to spend some quality time with them because they’ll be spending Christmas in Raleigh with Taylor and Niana.
As much as I love Thanksgiving, it’s time to get ready for Christmas! Bring on the movies, blankets, and more baking!

One Comment
Joan Rice
I loved watching these very special family members and the fun time they all had with the two darling daughters of the great parents, Allison and Make. What a fine Thanksgiving for all!
Love, Joan GG Rice