Blog,  Let's Stay at Home

Summer Bucket List

Summer isn’t the same when you aren’t in school. When I was in college, summer was carefree, if I wanted to go to the beach, all I had to do was find some friends and I was set. Then I graduated. So stupid! Now I don’t really have a vacation, so I have to make them up randomly during the summer season. Since the summer has begun, there are a few things I am wanting to do this summer. Since I am a huge fan of lists and a huge fan of Living in Yellow, I decided to link up with her this Friday and share what I am hoping/wanting to do in Summer 2014.

See all of the summer blockbusters in theater. Myke and I are big movie fans and we typically get out and see a movie about every other week. However it all changes with summer and this summer is going to be a good one! Transformers 4, 22 Jump Street, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and since I love my husband SO much, I will go see Expendables 3. Just like we saw the previous 2.

Watch a few sunsets on the beach. We used to do this a few summers ago when my in-laws lived in Carlsbad. It is always a peaceful moment in time and I love sharing it with people I love. So hopefully I will get those in!

Baseball games. Hot dogs + sun + baseball = summer fun.


(photo via target website)

Go on a picnic. I used to do this with my family when I was very little. We would go to the zoo in the morning, come outside and have a picnic lunch in the outside seating area and then go to Funderland, a magical land where fairy tales come to life (for babies up to about 4). Oh Joy has got a pretty sweet picnic basket over at Target, so we are thinking of snagging that up and heading somewhere and have lunch.

summer bucket list

Daycations. Myke and I escaped from LA about a month ago and went down to Carlsbad for the day. We just needed to get out of LA for a little bit and just be with one another, I cannot tell you how refreshing that was not just for me personally, but for us as a couple. We are planning on expanding our daycation to possibly taking the train somewhere and possibly a hotel overnight stay. Just to make it feel a little more like a vacation.

Wear more dresses. Shorts are cool and everything, but it’s time for me to expand my wardrobe a tiny bit.


Running. Myke and I have thrown our names in the hat to be a part of the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in October. We haven’t been selected (yet), but we are still going to start training to be safe. We are so looking forward to this adventure.


summer bucket list


(photo via website)

Have tea at the Rose Garden Tea Room. I love roses and tea. It’s perfect. Now I have been wanting to do this since I first read about it my senior year of college. However, I don’t want to put Myke through a girly afternoon (even though he would do it if I had no one else to go with). I’m thinking of calling up some girls and heading there for an afternoon. It’s in Pasadena, so if you are in the LA area and want to make a new friend, let’s do it!


What’s on your bucket list?


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