We Took the Toddlers to the Beach!
Alright, folks we’re back for Pismo Beach Part 2! We pick up on Tuesday morning, traditionally Tuesday is a beach day.
We woke up, bright and early and headed to the breakfast room. The best feature of the Oxford Suites is the free breakfast. Now, this isn’t your typical “hot breakfast” that consists of some day-old toast and a sketchy pre-cooked omelet. Nay! It is a full-on, delicious breakfast. Usually, there is meat, either sausage or bacon, a type of eggs (normal scrambled, and a special scramble), potatoes of some kind, then either French toast, waffles or pancakes.

In addition to the hot breakfast is a smattering of toast, muffins, scones, and cereal. Needless to say, this was always a Godsend for the Pastor’s family with two growing teenagers, plus it was all free.
Tradition is scarf down as much food as you can fit in your stomach at breakfast because it would be just snacks until dinner. This trip was no different. We ate our hearty breakfast and then headed back to our rooms to get ready for the beach.
After slathering 30 layers of sunscreen on the girls and myself, loading all the beach paraphernalia we picked up some snacks at the grocery store just down the street and headed to the beach.
Pismo Beach is a cold beach, so you need wetsuits! The best place to get them is Poncho’s Surf shop. They rent them for $10 a day, and you can even rent boogie boards for $5 for the full day!
This is such a fun little shop, and it hasn’t changed much in 20+ years when I walk in, it just smells of home, it feels of home, it is home!
Olivia looked so incredibly cute in her tiny wetsuit! Meghan took a nap on the beach and Olivia played in the water and sand all day. We didn’t think we’d be able to get her off the beach!

Once we got back to the hotel we went and enjoyed the amazing heated pool at Oxford and waited for my dad to pick up some Round Table Pizza (The gold standard by which all other pizza is judged!).
The next morning after breakfast we went on a new adventure. My parents discovered this little town not long ago, but this was their first time sharing it with us. We took a long walk on the beach to earn the delicious meal we would eat later. On the walk we just took in the beauty of the central pacific coast.
We got to the end and walked down some stairs to this little area where seals like to sunbathe on the rocks. As we walked we were hoping for seals, and we were rewarded with some stunning views of sunbathing seals.
We went back to the cars hungry and ready for lunch. My parents took us to Linn’s Easy as Pie Cafe, for some delicious food! Then for dessert, we had this amazing olallieberry pie! I even got some olallieberry preserves to take home and Olivia and I have enjoyed it on Saturday mornings on our toast!
After a nap and some downtime, we got ready quick enough to have dinner at the Pismo pier during Golden Hour and watched the sunset! We picked up some clam chowder at our favorite spot Splash Cafe and ate at some little tables by the pier.
It was a glorious end to a very fun day!
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