• Travel Vlog: Allison Goes to Tea

    You know when you write a whole blog post and it’s one of your favorites talking about how glorious the tea was how beautiful everything looked, how great it was to be back at our old church, and to have a night away? Then you go to publish it once your video is done and ready to be published and then it’s gone? Just me? So here we are, the girls are napping and I’m…

  • Views on Disney+ So Far

    We did it, we signed up for Disney+. It was inevitable since we have two girls and I love a good Disney movie. Am I the only one who just feels like watching Monster’s University on a Wednesday night? I’m beyond excited to dive into this app as time goes on. Here are some movies that instantly popped into my head when I saw what was going to be available, they all have special meaning…

  • Thanksgiving 2019

    Even though we have lived in Sac for over a year now, it still feels weird to not travel so much the week of Thanksgiving. Last year Meghan was only a week old, and it was difficult to really go anywhere, but I’m happy I was able to make the trip to Lodi, especially because my brother and sister-in-law were in town. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to make the trip out this year, so we…

  • Prepping for a First Birthday Party

    Planning for a birthday party can be a bit overwhelming, you want to make it somewhat special, but your kid isn’t going to remember it. I think the first birthday party is more for the parents. You have successfully kept a tiny human alive for one year, time to celebrate! I thought it would be helpful and fun to share with you how we came up with the theme for Meghan’s party. For those who…

  • Solo Parenting on a Saturday

    Allison had the awesome opportunity to visit our LA friends for their annual Ladies Tea this past weekend. So that left me taking care of the girls for the weekend. What an exciting adventure! 5:15 AM Allison and I climbed into the CRV, it was dark outside and we could see our breath in the cool morning. We made our way to the Airport as Allison gave me a last-minute rundown of their typical days.…