• Tired and Sad

    Sometimes there are events that make you think about who you are. Sometimes there are events that make you realize what you are thankful for.  Sometimes there are events that make you ask why. Sometimes there are events that just make you down right sad.  I could go into a really long blog post about how sad I am about the tragedy that took place in Connecticut.  I’m tired that people are turning this tragedy into…

  • Goal Completed.

     I had this silly idea a while back when I just started blogging regularly: to have 50 followers by December 31, 2012.  Well I’m very excited and proud to say, I did it! I have 50 followers. Now I know that doesn’t seem like too much,  but I am extremely excited and no I’m not stopping there.  My next goal?  75 by March 31, 2013. Thank you for all the support!

  • Saturday Morning Coffee

    Today is a morning that I NEVER have off. So when my boss called asking if I would be willing to close on the busiest night during our busiest holiday I screamed YES because that meant one thing.  I got to sleep in and be with my husband all morning.  We used to have a Saturday tradition that we would eat doughnuts and milk in bed. Then usually a trip to the gym was added…

  • H54F: Friday Letters

    I was scheduled to work today and I just found this awesome link up, so I’m glad I’m a little late. I like mixing it up a little so I decided to do my High Five Friday mixed with my first link up to Friday Letters.  1. Dear Jeff, Brigette and Benji (even little Andi) for being our friends and going out to late dinners with us. They are usually the highlight of my week.…

  • Top Pin Thursday : Christmas Edition Part 2

    Top Pin Thursday is here and it also means it is my one day off for the week. I haven’t even gone Christmas shopping yet and I’m trying to make a Christmas card for Myke and I, who knows when I’m going to have time to do that this week. I’m exhausted. I just bought mason jars at Target! I can’t wait to do some of these!! (source) We have a fireplace, but I wish I…