One Month in Sac
It has been one month since the Clements Clan has moved from southern California to northern California. For those of you who don’t know, we are living with my parents for the time being while we look for work. Once work has been found, we will decide where to live and then start that whole process.
The transition has been good and I’ve been doing better every day. Not going into work has been weird, but spending time with Olivia has been wonderful! Myke has been working for Postmates for the time being and bringing in a little extra cash while we are at my parents house. We are also going to his parents place most weekends and to their church for the time being. We will start the church shopping very soon and that will be the hardest thing.
I have been having a hard time thinking about transitioning to another church. We were extremely involved with our church and that is what was killing us the most about moving. I’ve been dreading looking for another place, but I know that God will lead us the right place.
We are looking forward to to more adventures and what the next steps are in our adventure. Here are some pictures that did not make it to Instagram since we moved to Sacramento.