New Friday Tradition
So as many of you know (or have gathered) there are many different bloggers out there. So I have bene doing some research for my own blog and just for fun. I follow a blog called The Small Things Blog and she is pretty awesome, well she has a sister who is equally awesome and she writes a blog too. Her sister has a tradition called High Five for Friday, top 5 things that happened this week, top five things you got this week, just in general 5 awesome things that happened. So…let’s see how this goes….
High Five for Friday!
1. I started reading Mocking Jay….OH MAN!!!
2. I ordered two awesome headbands, that hopefully will come later today from two amazing shops:
3. My hubby got a new job 🙂
4. I can wake up from my slumber!! It’s March 23!!! I’m seeing The Hunger Games tonight!! My husband will finally be relieved of hearing me say how excited I am to see this movie (but he’s excited too…secretly)
5. I’m hopefully going to update a few things on my blog this weekend! Keep your eyes open!