• Meghan at 10 Months

    Meghan turned 10 months old this past weekend. We are gearing up to have a two-year-old on our hands, but it’s very easy to forget that we have an almost 1-year-old too. Meghan is really starting to come into her own and her personality is starting to come out. She laughs with Olivia a lot and they are starting to play together and that makes me so extremely happy. She needs to stand every second.…

  • Her Shows, His Shows, and Our Shows

    Early on in our marriage, we learned that we liked watching TV and movies together, but also that we sometimes have very different tastes. This can lead to one spouse sitting and looking at their phone, bored. This isn't great and can lead to distance in a relati

  • Second Child Syndrome

    Has anyone else heard of second child syndrome? This became a running joke in my family growing up. If you are unfamiliar with this joke, it was usually said when I asked why my older sister would get to do something I didn't or had something that I didn't have.

  • Sick Bug and Meghan at 8 Months

    We just got over a sick bug in the Clements household. Olivia seemed to get it first and pass it to Meghan, of course. Myke got the annoying and lingering cough and I somehow escaped it. I don’t know how, especially with being around the girls 24/7, but I did and I’m very grateful. Other than that we are just going through the motions over here. Sweet Meghan turned 8 months old yesterday and I…

  • Mother’s Day Wish List

    This will be my second official Mother’s Day and I like it! Last year I spent most of it sick on the couch because of a certain someone in my belly, but Myke still made it special. He always does such a good job at spoiling me, no matter what so I’m looking forward to seeing what we do this year. I don’t expect a lot, but whatever it is, it will be wonderful. I…