What's in Our Diaper Bag

I’ll start out by saying we love our physical diaper bag (here’s a similar one). We initially got it because Myke wanted a neutral looking one so it wouldn’t look too weird with him carrying it. I didn’t mind what the diaper bag looked like, as long as it had all the components I needed. Currently, Olivia doesn’t require much when we go out, but Meghan still needs a few extra things. So what do we actually carry in our bag?

First things first-diapers. Obviously. We have plastic bags with the girl’s names on it with their respective diapers. Eventually, I will transition the plastic bags out for reusable bags, but we just haven’t gotten around to doing that. We use Target brand diapers because we’ve found they have the best cost-to-quality ratio, and they don’t leak.

Wipes are obviously on the side of the bag. Whenever the wipes feel about halfway full or lower, I switch out the pack for a full one. One of my biggest fears is to run out of wipes so I do everything in my power to not have that happen. Huggies brand are my favorite.

Snack bag. I plan on doing a whole post on what I keep in there at all times, but it is a bag that came with the backpack. I think it was supposed to be a wet bag and I did put dirty bibs in there when they were drinking bottles, but now its the snack bag. This is also the bag I take out and take with me wherever I go. I have my eye on this brand. So many cute designs to choose from!

Plastic placemats. After a year of getting them at Chick-fil-a I decided I wanted to have some for any restaurant Especially because I was sick of wiping down tables before they ate and dealing with the paper ones. These are the ones we bought at Target and I love the cute designs on them. You can also find a bunch on Amazon.

Books. I always keep a couple of board books in my bag because you never know when we are going to get stuck somewhere and need a distraction. I also keep their little toys they get in their happy meals in the bag for extra distractions. I keep the tiny Minnie mouse books we gave them for Christmas and a couple touch and feel books.

Extra shirt, pants for Olivia and onesie for Meghan. Meghan is almost ready to not be in a onesie anymore, but I keep a back up just in case something happens. After about 18 months I will switch it out for pants and shirt like I have for Olivia. I can count on one hand the amount of times I have needed to use a outfit for the girls, but it still makes me feel better to have them.

Diaper trash bags. We were gifted this helpful little holder for diaper trash bags. They are a perfect place to store those stinky diapers when you’re not near a trashcan. They’re scented and have some oder blocking powder in them that helps then not smell if you have to cary them.
The sad news is, after two years of amazing support, our diaper bag is starting to rip and fall apart. So we are going to need another bag of some kind. Olivia has her own little backpack, so I think Meghan needs her own backpack. I have my own backpack, but I’m thinking I might need one I can throw on when I’m with the girls. Here is one I’m looking at-so I can also use it when we travel.