Blog,  Let's Stay at Home


Last week, I got a hole in my pants. I was so upset. I wore these jeans all the time and I was so upset. The first thing I did was tell Myke that we needed to buy a new pair of jeans right away. Myke in his calm way said, “Ok, but you have other things to wear for the time being.” I looked at him and said what any girl would have said, “No I don’t.” He gave me a look and I thought about it and I guess I had something. So I wore my maxi skirt the next day and then Myke took me to Target and we got a pair of awesome pants that I can wear that Friday. Myke being the sweetheart that he is took me to Old Navy because I had seen a pair of pants I wanted to try on Aubrey’s blog. They are linen pants, and I put them on and I knew I needed them yesterday.

2014-06-23 17.05.19

Sorry for the random picture. I have been running around all week and haven’t had the time to take a proper picture.

When I say I have worn these pants practically every day, that’s not a joke. These pants are the comfiest pants I have ever owned. When I was trying them on, I tried a medium first, but I decided to go a size up for more of a flow look. They have a drawstring waist so I can tighten it. I actually prefer to have a little saw in my step. I plan on going back and getting at least two more pairs. They have different colors like navy with a blue strip down the side (here) and also a fun blue one with flowers, which I plan on getting, found here. There a bunch more and I plan on trying them on and trying different styles.

While I was driving into work this morning, I had a thought. I had been wanting to expand my wardrobe for a while now, but I felt like I wasn’t getting any where. Mostly because I wore jeans every day. I didn’t have as much variety as I wanted. Getting the hole in my pants may have been a terrible thing at the time, but it has really helped me to try new clothing that I would have just brushed off because I had my jeans to wear. I’m excited to share some new outfits with these pants.

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