Olivia’s Story: September 28, 2017
If you have been following me on Instagram and Facebook, you know the story I am about to tell. I have thought a lot about writing about the events of the past month. I was worried about sharing too much or scaring other soon to be moms, but then I started to think about how I would feel if I read this story. It wouldn’t scare me, it would help me be prepared for the road that was ahead of me. I wanted to share this with others, as an encouragement to other moms that have possibly been through my journey or one similar to it. I should also preface, my daughter is currently sleeping in her little swing next to me as I type this. We begin this story on September 22, 2017.
A couple weeks prior, Myke and I went to our doctor to do a regular check up. We found out that our baby was breeched and therefore I would need to have a C-Section. This was not the way I wanted my delivery to go, but the health and safety of my baby was number one. Fast forward to September 28, 2017.
I went in nervous and full of anxiety, but everything went very smoothly. That is until the NICCU doctor came in and told us that Olivia was needing to go to the NICCU to be supervised because she was having trouble breathing. I snuggled her for literally 5 seconds and then she was taken away. Little did I know, that would be the last time I would hold her for what seemed like an eternity.
She was in the hospital NICCU for 2 days and she kept getting worse. The doctors informed us that her lungs were underdeveloped and she couldn’t breath well on her own. My first couple views of my daughter made me cry until I had nothing left. This would be a common practice for me for the next week. She was hooked up to every big scary machine I could think of, including one that was breathing for her. It broke my heart.
2 days after being in the NICCU, she was transferred to Children’s Hospital LA.