When I went up north for my cousin’s wedding back in September, I was blessed by my mom and grandma with a shopping trip. Mostly essential items that my mom knew I needed and then a few things jut because. This shirt was one of them. It’s from the Gap, which by the way is the perfect place to get the essentials for your wardrobe. My mom found this shirt at the front of the store along…
Running = Therapy
Ever since I started doing Nutirsystem, I have also started working out a little bit more. I started out doing Jillian Michaels, which is an amazing program and I’m seeing positive results, I just wanted a little bit more. I started running again. I was a pretty avid runner in high school and I loved doing it, but between classes, friends, a boyfriend-eventual husband, planning a wedding, moving, I got off track a little bit.…
Nutrisystem Week 2
Week 2 was a whole lot better! Oh my goodness I feel so much better about this system. I figure I just needed to get over the emotional part of doing Nutrisystem. My body is doing a lot better, but it was my mind that needed a little more work. The food is still tasting good and I’m still running at least 3 times a week. I’m still happy I’m doing this. If you…
I Want
I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog lately. I’ve been worried about numbers, who has or hasn’t read my blog, and what I need to post. After talking it over with my husband, I have come to the conclusion that none of that needs to matter. I do care about all of that, but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Over the past few weeks I have just dreading over how many people haven’t…
Nutrisystem Week 1
It has been one week since we have started Nutrisystem and the results have been pretty promising, however that does not mean that this week was easy going and care free. It was hard for me to adjust. When it comes to eating, I’m doing ok. I have a hard time not eating when I’m at work when people bring food in for everyone. Plus every Friday, my boss brings in doughnuts! So the first…