Burrs and Baseball + Another Video
In our quest to rediscover Sacramento, we hit up two things that we were both looking forward to. Burrs Fountain and a minor league baseball game at the Sacramento Rivercats.
Burrs Fountain is a restaurant that is extremely close to my heart. It first opened the year I was born and when my mom was working and pregnant, she would go there for a sandwich and milkshake (which she craved). So this place this place is practically engrained in me and I was very excited to bring Olivia for her first time, even though she is only 8 months old.
The Sacramento Rivercats are a AAA team and their games are always so much fun. The team is a feeder team for my favorite team, the SF Giants, so it makes it extra fun for me. We went with my cousin, Aaron, his wife, Mima, and their son, Monroy. We had so much fun spending time with them and watching the Rivercats win!