2018 and 2019

2018 was a year of growth, trust, and faith. We started the year on the fast track at both of our jobs that we loved, part of a church that was family, and had a beautiful little girl.
About a month in we clearly heard from the Lord that something was going to be changing in our lives. We had no idea that three months in our entire life took a complete left hook. We found out we were expecting, we moved in with my parents, got a job-lost said job, and all the while I was growing a human.
God can work anything into something beautiful. While all the nastiness was happening around us, when Meghan was put into my arms, I knew everything was going to be okay. I know it sounds funny, but I truly do believe that good things are just on the horizon for our family.
My word for 2019 and for our family is HOPE. We will continue to put our trust and hope in God and know that he is always with us.
Happy New Year everyone! Let’s start 2019 off with love for one another and a smile for all.