Things We Feed our Two Year Old
When Olivia started eating solids, I researched toddler meals pretty much all day. I would also text my mama friends and inquire about what they feed their toddlers-which is always helpful. As I’m getting all this amazing advice from other moms, I thought it would be helpful if I compiled some of the items that worked for me.

Breakfast: The most important meal of the day. I have always told Myke, if Olivia has a good solid breakfast, I don’t care what she eats the rest of the day until dinner. I try to give her some protein and greens in the morning. Every once and a while, she has a cup of juice in the morning. Our go to meals lately have been:
- Green smoothie
- Eggs
- Toast with blackberry jam
- Earth Best frozen french toast/waffles/blueberry pancakes
- Blueberries (or any other seasonal fruit)
- Bacon (On Saturdays)

Lunch. This is a little bit of a toss-up. Sometimes we have half of her lunch before nap and the rest after. She has water with her lunch, but sometimes I’ll surprise her with some juice. Most of the time it is after nap time. Some of our go-to lunches have been:
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- Peanut butter and honey sandwich
- Fruit (anything seasonal)
- Happy Tot veggie pouch
- Yogurt
- Applesauce

Dinner: We just learned something about Olivia and dinner. She likes to have variety. We noticed that if we fed her the same thing more than two nights in a row, she wouldn’t eat it. So we try to not give her the same thing two days in a row. She eats many items that Myke and I make for ourselves, but we do give her some of her own things as well. She always has water with her dinner. Some of our go
- Chicken nuggets
- Peas
- Applesauce (if she didn’t have it at lunch)
- Spagetthi-os
- Raviolli
Snacks. Like her mama and daddy, Olivia is a snacker. Therefore I try really hard to have some healthy snacks on hand for her. Like I said before if she has a good breakfast, I don’t worry too much, but I do like to give her healthy snacks before she has any not healthy ones. Some of our go-to snacks are:
- Happy Tot, Gerber, and Earth Best pouches (usually get ones that are heavy on the veggies).
- Earth Best bars
- Rasins
- Goldfish
- Apples
- Cheese
- Happy Tot protein and fiber bars
What do you regularly feed your kids? Let us know down in the comments!

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