OJ’s Bookcase
The one thing that my girls need to have in their rooms is a bookcase. I love the idea of them not only having books when I was young, but books that people give to them. Books have played such a big role in both Myke’s and my life and I want to share that with them. I’ve already decided that I want each girl to have a small bookcase at the head or foot of their bed so they can have their books right there.
I decided to make a list of five books that Olivia now has in her bookcase to start her off. MJ will have a separate bookcase with some of her own books, but they will share some books of course.
A Pocket for Corduroy. This books was one of my all time favorites as a little girl. I also used this in our baby announcement for Olivia. She has her own copy in her little bookcase to start her off.
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie. Another one of my all time favorites. My aunt and uncle gave it to me when I was very little and they even got the author to sign it. I had the other books in the series, but have been since given away. I intend to complete the series for my girls. This is the perfect book for bedtime by the way. This has been Myke’s go to lately. It’s short, funny, and I know she will love it when she gets older. The other night, Myke got it out to read to her and she got really excited.
Star Wars series. This series was given to me at a baby shower by some dear friends of ours. They specifically gave it to Myke because they know how much he loves Star Wars. The books describe each of the main characters in the stories, so it’s fun and educational for me as well.
Green Eggs and Ham. This was Myke’s go to as a little boy. This was his choice for the baby Olivia announcement and he loves reading it to her and I love hearing him read it. I know it means a lot for him to read it to her and I can’t wait for him to read it to MJ.
Put Me in the Zoo. This is one of her board books. This book isn’t a bedtime story, since it’s a board book, but we bring it with us in the car and have it with her in her crib during nap. This book is very dear to us because it was given to us by Children’s Hospital. When Olivia was starting to be more awake but still in and out, the nurses picked this book out for her to look at specifically for the color. They swore that at one point she started making noise and look upset and when they turned the page, she calmed down and continued to stare at it. It was so sweet. She still looks at the pages with such curiosity and intrigue.
Honorable Mention: Olivia. My sister, Sarah, was one of the few people who knew Olivia’s name before she was born. She had intentions of buying this book for her, but didn’t want to give it to me at a shower, so she waited until after she was born and she came to meet her. Olivia was at Children’s Hospital when her aunt came to visit, but Sarah still brought the book with her and it ended up being next to her bedside the whole time she was in the hospital. Every time we moved, we propped the book up next to the window, it was my way of making the room not a hospital room.
I’m hoping to share more about the girl’s bookcase not only now but as they get older as well. Myke and I are already planning on what to have them read when they are old enough. Some examples are the Harry Potter series, Chronicles of Narnia, and A Wrinkle in Time series.