Myke’s Birthday Celebration
Myke’s birthday was on Friday and we had quite the celebration planned. About a month ago we saw that Barry Zito was going to be at the Rivercats game here is Sac. Since we want to go to more baseball games, we thought this was a golden opportunity.
For those of you who don’t know, we are a home divided. Myke is a fan of the Oakland As and I love my San Fransisco Giants. Most times it doesn’t matter, especially because they are in different leagues, but Friday night was different. Not only had Barry Zito been an A, but he was a Giant as well, so both teams were being represented that night and the place was packed!
Myke’s parents joined us for the celebration and we had a blast. It was fun for them to spend time with their granddaughter and we got to watch a baseball game and be outside. With the air quality being a wreck because of the fires, it’s been difficult to get her outside for a walk before it not only gets hot but too smokey. Friday night its as warm, but there was a big Delta breeze that came in and really cooled the stadium down and it felt so good. Waking up on Saturday, the skies were blue, which is something we hadn’t seen for the past few days, so it was nice to see that the air is starting to clear.
On Saturday, Myke made homemade breakfast sandwiches, and we let Olivia run the camera for the first time ever. Check out the vlog below!