Hello everyone! We are back…well sort of. Our sweet little Meghan is one month old so we are going to start pushing content out once again and sharing how we are adjusting to our new normal as a family of four and with two girls under two years old.
The last month has been an emotional ride. One month ago today, I walked into an operating room and was wheeled out with a baby on my chest and tears of happiness down my face. It was very emotional for me to have my baby with me after birth and I was so happy.
Meghan has been living up to her name and has been a joy from the start. She’s eating like a champion and sleeping just like a newborn should which means Myke and I are not getting much sleep. Olivia is doing great as a big sister. She loves pointing at her, petting her head (gently of course), and kisses.
Check out our video of the day MJ joined our family.