• Budget Friendly Activities in Sacramento: Effie Yeaw Nature Center

    This past Saturday, we went to the Effie Yeaw Nature Center for a little family outing. This center allows families an up-close look at creatures that are in our area and you can even walk some fun trails, including the one we took to a pond. We had such a great time and we finished off the outing with ice cream. When you first arrive there is a little outside area, including picnic tables for…

  • Labor Day 2018

    We’ve been a little quiet over here the last week. Two weeks ago, little OJ decided it would be good to practice her swan dive off the couch and ended up having a black eye. I felt awful so I just turned everything off and was just with her for the week.  The initial fall was terrifying and she cried and cried. However we woke up the next day and she was back to her…

  • Being Back in Sac

    Being back in the town you grew up in can stir up all sorts of nostalgia. Whenever I drive down certain roads, memories will come back to me. One day last week, Olivia and I were driving back from visiting Myke at work and per usual, Olivia feel asleep. Since we were literally two streets away from the house, I decided to take a stroll down memory lane. I took a road that was all…

  • Myke’s Birthday Celebration

    Myke’s birthday was on Friday and we had quite the celebration planned. About a month ago we saw that Barry Zito was going to be at the Rivercats game here is Sac. Since we want to go to more baseball games, we thought this was a golden opportunity. For those of you who don’t know, we are a home divided. Myke is a fan of the Oakland As and I love my San Fransisco Giants.…

  • Our Weekend

    The last few days have been rough in our house. Three of Olivia’s teeth have decided to make their debut at the same time. So needless to say, days are rough, but nights have been rougher. I spend most of my days feeling guilty. Guilty that I can’t do anything except really give her baby Tylenol and hope it’s helping. The pains of a mother. I’m happy that I’m able to not only have Myke…