• Let's Bake! Cinnamon Muffins

    As you know, Allison loves to bake, and I love to eat what she bakes! Well, those two activities came together this weekend. On Friday Allison text me that she was going to make muffins! Obviously she asked me what kind of muffins I wanted her to make, obviously, I requested chocolate chip. Allison said no. Specifically, she said, “you can’t just have everything be chocolate”. Which is true I guess, but I really only…

  • Let's Make Some Blackberry Preserves!

    Every Saturday morning I (Myke) get up with the girls so Allison can get a little more sleep, and I can spend some time with them. Over the last 6 months, we’ve gotten into a little pattern. I wake them up, and we put on our slippers and I start making breakfast. It’s always the same breakfast, every Saturday. Bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast with my personal favorite, blackberry jam. Now let me tell you…

  • Hey Myke? Cook Me Something (Guest Post) – Spinach Rigatoni with Magic Bacon

    Hello, my name is Myke Hello Myke! I like food. Us too! It’s why I am…ahem…rotund Good thing you’re on Nutrisystem and working out huh? True, although Allison and I sometimes get sick of the bean based Nutrisystem dinners (It’s how they get the calories down, it’s not marinara sauce, it’s beans in disguise) and we want a fresh cooked meal. So I decided to start cooking again, and over the last week I have…