Let’s Get Spinning!
Now that I’ve dropped the baby weight, it’s time to drop the remaining pounds by working out. This is the part of losing weight I actually like. Learning how to eat is one thing, once you get that down and you combine it with working out consistently, you got a deadly good combination. Now that I’m done having babies, I can really focus on getting back into a work out routine. I’ve been dreaming of what routines and classes I would like to do.
One class I have always been drawn to is a cycle class. I’ve enjoyed cycling in the past, but I’ve always felt that if I had someone pushing me I could get the full use of the bike and more. A few weeks ago, I took the plunge and joined a gym up the road from my house. The day I joined the gym I went to my first cycle class and I LOVED it. It was so much fun! There were only 3 other people in the class with me, so super low key, and I was in the back so I didn’t feel like people were watching me. I wasn’t as sore as I thought I was going to be. Instead, I felt stronger and better than I have in a long time. I’m easing into the whole thing and just doing it two times a week for a few weeks. I’m already looking forward to my next class.
I ran a half marathon about 5 years ago, mostly because I had always wanted to run one. Myke and I drove up to Sacramento, ran the race on Sunday and then drove back to LA for work the next day. Obviously before kids. My time wasn’t what I wanted and I wasn’t completely satisfied and I have always felt like I wanted to run another one to rectify the situation. I have a few on my list to run eventually, but the one at the top of my list Rise Run, Rachel Hollis’ half marathon (and 5K) in Texas in December. Not only do I admire the woman herself, but the run is in December so that gives me a really really long time to get ready-which I do need since I haven’t ran in so long.

Two weeks ago, my mom took me to a running store, Fleet Feet and I got fitted with some sweet new shoes. What I love about Fleet Feet is that they measure your foot and watch you walk so they can really get the right shoe on your foot. About a year ago, they got an amazingly cool machine that takes a scan of your foot and gives them specific details like if you have high arches (like I do), if your ankles roll, measures the heels of your foot and if/how narrow your foot is. It was really cool too see the results. Since I have high arches, I also got insoles. I’m not going to start officially training for another month or so, but I do want to start running again to get ready for training. Not only do I think they are sleek looking but I love that they are practically tailored to me. I’m not big on spending big chunks of money, I would rather spend it on the experience or buy a really good quality item. However, for something like this, when an item that will help you not get injured, the money should be spent. If you are a runner and a Fleet Feet is near you, I would highly recommend going and getting sized. They also have great products like socks and work out clothes.
I’m hoping to share my exercise journey here on the blog and last week I officially signed up to attend the Rise Run in December!