• Family Time

    I love that my family is complete. We have our two girls and it feels right. One of the silver linings of not having to work is being able to be with your kids. Myke has been working other jobs to help get some cash flow, but we have been spending a lot more time together as a family and that is something we will never be able to replace. OJ and MJ may not…

  • A Day in the Rain

    One of the things I was most looking forward to being back in Sacramento was the rain. I know that sounds crazy, but I have always loved the rain and I wanted my girls to experience what I experienced growing up. Early last week, Olivia got a chance to go out and play. It was so fun to see her see everything in a new way and I can’t wait for more days in the…

  • Meghan at 2 Months

    My baby is 2 months old. I can’t believe it has been 2 months since she has joined our family. She’s pretty active already. She pops her head up if she’s laying down or just being held so you really have to watch her and she is just learning to smile. The biggest news was that she rolled over from tummy to back the other day and it happened so randomly we almost didn’t see…

  • 2018 and 2019

    2018 was a year of growth, trust, and faith. We started the year on the fast track at both of our jobs that we loved, part of a church that was family, and had a beautiful little girl. About a month in we clearly heard from the Lord that something was going to be changing in our lives. We had no idea that three months in our entire life took a complete left hook. We…

  • Hello!

    Hello everyone! We are back…well sort of. Our sweet little Meghan is one month old so we are going to start pushing content out once again and sharing how we are  adjusting to our new normal as a family of four and with two girls under two years old.  The last month has been an emotional ride. One month ago today, I walked into an operating room and was wheeled out with a baby on…