• 365 days

    365 days ago, I made the best decision of my life. I married my best friend and my soul mate.  November 19, 2011 was a long day coming, but it came and went just as quickly. I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I loved that my best friends were there. I love that [most of] my family was there. For those things I will always be eternally thankful.  Most of these photos were taken by…

  • H54F: One Week to Thanksgiving

    This week was a busy week for me. At my job, I closed every night, so it felt like I was back the job I had when we were first married. I would see Myke in the morning for a few minutes and then call him on my dinner break and talk about our days. However, I wasn’t coming home at 2am so that was a HUGE plus. So that positive story leads me into…

  • Top Pin Thursday

    Can anyone else believe that Thanksgiving is a week from today? That is so crazy to me. That means a week from now I will be with my family in northern California and eating turkey and relaxing and getting ready for CHRISTMAS!  So excited! Anyway, it is Thursday which means we are looking at the my top pins from the week! This outfit is amazingly beautiful! I love it. (source) Every girl needs to wear…

  • Allison’s Holiday Guidelines

    I love the holidays! I love the idea of the holidays, the family aspect, the holiday cheer, the holiday flavors at Starbucks, it’s all glorious.  I should also say, when I say holiday season, I typically mean November through December.  I’m kind of a weirdo when it comes to the holidays, I have all of these weird traditions and guidelines around the holidays that are annoying to most people, especially to poor Myke.  Here are…

  • Target Happenings

    People have an obsession with Target. I have a HUGE obsession with Target. I love going there whether it is for myself or for other people. I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the bright lights and the red, maybe it’s the low prices. I’m not sure, but I love it. This particular Target trip was partly for us, but mostly for others. This trip was to celebrate a couple of our November birthdays. …