Pand Express
Blog,  Let's Go

The Time Travelers are Back

Pand Express


Myke and I arrived home yesterday around 2pm and made the trek home. We were so exhausted we just got Chinese food, went home, ate and sat on the couch.

We had an amazing time in Florida. We were sad to come home, but we were looking forward to sleeping in our own bed, not a hide away bed and not being thrown off by a three hour time change.

Speaking of a three hour time change, Myke and I were affected by the time change in Florida, but we too excited to be there to notice it. However, on our very last day it hit us hard. First, it was our fifth morning in Florida and we had just found our sleep rhythm. Monday we woke up at 5am to be at the airport by 7:30am. We got there just in time, but I was in a mood just because it was early early in California time and I’m an anxious flyer. Especially when it’s an airport I have never been to. Plus, we didn’t change planes like we did on the flight to Florida, so we were stuck on the same plane all day.

When we finally landed, we were starving. It was 2pm, but to us it was 5pm and we had not eaten a full meal since breakfast. Not thinking about Cinco de Mayo, we got Chinese food, hurried home, and sat on the couch. We could barely keep our eyes open, but decided to stay up and go to bed around 8:30-9 in an attempt to get back in the groove. That didn’t work out so well. We ended up going to bed at 7:30pm and woke up around 6am and when I say we slept, I mean we did not move. It was a hard sleep.

We are happy to be home, but we miss our family that is still there. For the next few days, I will be posting pictures of our time in Florida.

By the way, we called ourselves the time travelers because we were travling though 3 different time zones each time. Also because we are super cool.

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